In Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam and Nias:
Village-Level Map Frame and Database
Rebuilding communities affected by the major earthquakes and tsunami as viable social and economic entities is one of the major challenges facing those engaged in rehabilitation and reconstruction activities. Meeting this challenge requires a wide range of highly localized information to help providers, local governments and communities in assessing need and developing appropriate community and higher-level solutions to comprehensively address the disruptions in family and community structure, shelter, infrastructure and livelihoods faced by the people of Aceh and Nias as result of this natural disaster.
This Aceh/Nias Map Frame and Database is designed to assist in this process by providing users with a means to access information at district, sub-district and village levels for all of the nearly 6000 villages in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam and more than 700 villages on the Island of Nias in North Sumatra. It includes a map frame based on GIS maps from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS) that shows the approximate geographic location of each of these administrative areas and that can be used to search the database for information relevant to the needs of particular users. The map frame incorporates the most recent set of location codes and names from BPS valid as of mid-2005. However, references are also provided to location codes and names from earlier datasets where necessary to account for changes in numbers of administrative areas and boundaries over the past several years.
Construction of the database has focused on information available from major BPS censuses and surveys. The current version (3.0) contains pre-tsunami information from the 2002 National Village Potential Survey (PODES) along with summary population data from the Special National Election Census of 2003 (P4B). Post-tsunami information is provided based on the 2005 PODES that was implemented in Aceh in July and in Nias in September of 2005. It is expected that a subsequent version will include data from the Special Population Census of Aceh and Nias that was carried out in August/ September 2005 when results are made available by BPS. Data are presented at village level along with summaries for all sub-districts and districts in these areas. Special summaries are also provided for groups of “affected villages” that have been identified from inventories made for Aceh by the province office of BPS in Banda Aceh (conditions as of April 12, 2005) and for Nias, by the North Sumatra province office in Medan.
PODES data are presented in 12 data tables covering the following topics:
- Geography and Government
- Population and Economic Activity
- Housing and Basic Needs Infrastructure
- Education Facilities
- Health Facilities and Personnel
- Health Conditions
- Religious, Social and Cultural Facilities and Groups
- Sports and Recreation Facilities
- Transportation Facilities
- Communication and Information
- Land Use
- Trade and Indusry
A single table is used to present selected statistics from the P4B Census. Users should note that the 2005 PODES was considerably less detailed than in 2003. Therefore, there are a number of indicators included in the database for 2003 for which comparable data were not collected in 2005. A limited amount of data, notably that on land use, was also not released by BPS due to concerns with data quality. These are noted as being Not Available (NA) in the relevant tables.
This Map Frame and Database has been prepared under coordination of Aceh and North Sumatra Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Team in the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). It was developed by PT Insan Hitawasana Sejahtera (IHS) under a contract from the Asian Development Bank (TA 3041-INO, Monitoring and Evaluating the Social Protection Sector Development Program Loan). Besides these, the close collaboration and cooperation of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the source of the maps and data utilized in the map frame, and the support of the Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam and Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Board (BRR) are gratefully acknowledged.
How Can We Get It?
I hope, I can finish this Map Frame in January 2006. IHS and ADB will give Map frame to everyone. This Map Frame can be copied without permission from IHS and ADB. If you like to get this Map Frame, You can contact me (021) 798 6768.
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